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RaceService 1 Base Prep Wax

Of the entire line of RaceService•1 Ski Wax, excluding the very popular ZuperTour, we receive the most feedback and reorders of their SBC1 & SBCG1 Special Base Conditioning waxes.
These are both ultra penetrating, ultra conditioning base prep type waxes; one with micro-graphite particles designated by the name SBCG1, and one without, called SBC1.
Of the entire system, the special base conditioners took the longest to develop, have the most complex components and recipe of all the waxes in the RaceService•1 Line.
This fact goes to show how important the wax developers as well as paid waxing technicians believe creating and caring for fast ski & snowboard bases really is.

Although often overlooked, Base Prep & Conditioning is literally one of the best things you can do for your equipment - It speeds up race skis & boards, manages old wax build-up, makes wax jobs last longer and rejuvinates old, neglected base material.